This development programme

is a manifestation of our dream

This story starts in 2000, when Steen, as a consultant and manager for 15 years, had slimmed down the management teams in many companies, having had the thought: 'Do we even need managers? How low can the pyramid get?" With these questions in mind he searched for input in consulting houses and business schools.

He could find nothing, except for a good friend who suggested he talk to two old Indian wisdomkeepers who were briefly in the country. After a weekend with them, he discovered that this was basically the way Native Indians/ Americans had organized themselves in the United States.

Thus began Steen’s  17 years of training in this ancient universe (New Mexico, Mexico, Germany, Denmark) with the three wisdomkeepers RainbowHawk, WindEagle and WhiteEagle.

Under en ceremoni i Danmark, hvor Steen var organisator med to af de gamle wisdomkeepers mødte Steen så Malene, og her var et personligt match.

Malene kom bl.a. med sine 20 år psykoterapeutisk erfaring. Og vi plantede sammen det frø at vi ville bringe denne visdom videre og en dag undervise i vores eget program.

— Vehoma

Since that time we have both conducted substantial programs and courses with the three wisdomkeepers, mostly in the US and in Denmark.

And created the program you are seeing on the screen in front of you.

This whole development program is part of  the new era of consciousness development, which now has the term "Vertical Development". This also shows in the increased popularity of new forms of leadership in organisations, based on circles, authenticity and integrity.

We are also moving into the more edgy versions of professional leadership development.

We have been asked if this is a leadership development programme or a personal development programme and our answer is YES - both. Because these go hand in hand. And after all,  we all want to be the author or leader of our own lives.

Furthermore, as it is important to work with both personal and universal energies, we wanted to find the right place, with the right energy and the right environment. We found it two years ago and bought it. It is the land where we live and where we are conducting this development programme. It is located in Esrum, North Zealand, with the Esrum stream running through our garden, after the stream has visited Esrum monastery nearby.

Have a look at our our programme.

Malene og Steen