The training is organized in modules, each lasting 3 days, during which all the participants are together and the tools and methods belonging to that particular module are introduced.

There are 8 modules in total (5 in the Highh ground part and 3 in the shadow part of the program), a total of 24 days of training and supervision, and there will be approx. 2-3 months between the different modules. 

The training takes place from Friday-Sunday, all days from 9.30 am - 05.00 pm. 

The time has come to integrate the feminine and the masculine aspects in self-leadership and co-creation
— Vehoma

During the 2-3 months between the different modules, the participants will meet in groups of 4 (these groups will be formed under supervision) to practice the tools and methods introduced during the modules. In these groups, each continues the individual work, that has been done, as well as the group work that needs to be done. The participants work independently on the basis of the methods and tools presented during the modules – but during the entire process, there is always a lifeline to the teachers! 

We donmt do exams, but you will feel your own clear “doorways” through the training.

The training takes place on our lovely property in Esrum. We have 3800 m2 of beautiful natural ground with large trees, meadow and a beautiful view of the surrounding fields – and the Esrum river floating right by our gardens! This area is very special, and it is blessed with the highest energy vibrations we have found in Zealand. As far as possible, the training will take place outdoors in our Native American medicine wheel or in our tipi – both with a nice fire to feed the energy!

The unique aspect of this program lies in the way we have chosen to integrate ancient Native American wisdom, developed through hundreds of years, reaching back to Toltecs and Mayans, with one of the most effective and state-of-the-art tools for leadership development: Relation Development. This approach is used in coaching and development work, in particular with groups in organizations, and it is based on a special method and practice related to Relation Behavior – a practice in which the focus is on how people interact together to achieve a state of trust and cooperation. Experiencing the states of a deteriorating, maintaining and developing relationship. We have used this approach in many advanced workshops for companies and it is also used in our coaching processes.

As basis for the training we also use the theories and methods developed by Robert Kegan and Jennifer Garvey Berger, formerly of Harvard University's graduate school of education: "Adult learning and professional development" for understanding adult development and consciousness development.

We work with soul, emotion, mind and body as an integrated organism. The goal is to create a foundation for inner peace and self-authorship of your life, while at the same time increasing your ability to set a footprint in the outer world that aligns with everything you are passionate about.


A. High Ground Phase (development of inner and outer leadership)

1 • workshop
8-10/9 2023

2 • workshop
24-26/11 2023

3 • workshop
23-25/2 2024

4 • workshop
26-28/4 2024

5 • workshop
21-23/6 2024

B. Deep dive into the shadows (distortions)

6 • workshop
23-25/8 2024

7 • workshop
8-10/11 2024

8 • workshop
21-23/2 2025

Reserve Workshop (book it now)

14-16/3 2025


Price for the program is 73.772DKK / 9913 € plus VAT 18.443DKK / 2.478 €.

In total 92.215 DKK / 12.391 €

Upon signing a deposit fee of 10% is to be paid.

Rest is due 7 days before start, unless another payment plan is agreed with us.

Individual payment plans can be made (monthly/quarterly)

What is included

TPrice includes coffee, tea, fruit, vegetables and a delicious lunch.


If a day or more is to be cancelled, a new day(s) will be offered ASAP, thats fits you.

Leadership of the self and the cocreation in the new vertical paradigm

Providing leadership of the present and the future times
— Vehoma